Sunday, June 25, 2006

Diane Rehm

Diane Rehm is the host of... the Diane Rehm Show on NPR. Her show is excellent. It ranges in topics but mostly focuses on the political news of the day. Sometimes, I get bored when she's talking to the pundits, but her shows with authors are always very good. I usually only listen when I'm in the car, but I'm happy to tune in for a few minutes.

What gets me is how hot Diane Rehm is. She has this thing called spasmodic dysphonia. It's a condition where your vocal chords seize up - or something like that. I'm no doctor. But your vocal chords seize up and the result is a voice that sounds very jerky and out of control. If you've ever heard Diane Rehm talk, you know that she sounds like an 80-year-old chain smoker. But she's not. She's stunning. Which makes her condition all the more sad. She's an established journalist who suddenly developed this voice thing, so I really admire her for continuing in her career. And for being hot.

Diane Rehm - A-


  1. I have no idea who this woman is, but she is quite the looker. :)

  2. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I had no idea - I picutred her looking something like Eleanor Roosevelt based on her voice...will wonders never cease...

  3. I love her show. I listen to it everyday going to work. She can really stick it to 'em!

  4. Yeah, I had no idea she looked like that.

  5. amazing that you can take one of your least appealing traits and make a career of it...

  6. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Holy Cow!! I had no idea that's what she looked like!!! But that explains her voice....

