Sunday, April 30, 2006

Wedding Post #1 - The Rash

Well, I'm back from the wedding, and as promised, here's more on the rash. As I've discussed earlier, I don't shower every day, and when I do, I usually only wash the crucial areas. Sometimes, though, I feeling like soaping up all over, so a few days ago, I did, using this White Cat soap that I got in Oklahoma. It's not a soap for cats, mind you. It's a soap that's supposed to be all goodness, and it does smell good... but maybe that should have been a sign. See, I can't use anything with fake fragrance, and believe me, White Cat smells awesome. So I washed my back and my chest, and I was nice and clean. Yay. The next day, I started breaking out. I thought it was zits from finals-related stress, but when I thought back to that shower, I realized that I had done this to myself. I suck. I popped several antihistamine during the course of the weekend, which stopped my itching, but I still had the spots all over my back and chest. I will not be posting a picture.
Moral of the story? There's a reason why bridal magazines and websites tell you not to change anything about two months before the wedding - no new products of any kind. If anyone had been looking at me, I might have been embarrassed... but why would anyone look at me when Natalie looked so beautiful?

White Cat soap - C+ (good for hands, bad for bodies)


  1. How was the bridesmaid dress? Is it a keeper?

    I was a bridesmaid once in South Florida where the dresses were really low cut in the front and back. The bride wanted us all to be around the same size so some of us (me) had padded dresses.

    I felt like it was false advertising, but it was fun.

  2. You can't describe it and not give us a picture. I want to see the rash. If not, use the soap before you visit me this weekend so I can see what it does.

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    This soap looks very decorative .. I have a problem using decorative looking things for washing myself. I'm sure things can be both pretty AND functional, I just can't get my mind to go there with me . . .

  4. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Hey Amanda,

    I put up a galley of wedding pics so your many readers can check out the dress!

  5. Anonymous9:03 PM

    You look gorgeous!!! and I LOVE that wedding cake!
