Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Teran? Ryri? Hatchcrest?

So the celeb rumor mill says that this kiss is totally fake. I agree. I think they look too artful to be real, yet not artful enough to be... real. It's a side hug with some lip action thrown in. There's no body contact going on. I don't buy.

Or maybe Ryan's into it, but Teri's not. Seriously, look at him. He's kind of eating her lip off. Sick.

Ryan and Teri - B-


  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    This picture totally grosses me out and I don't even know why.

  2. I'm also bothered by the backwards baseball cap... she's 41, who does she think she's kidding?

  3. Anonymous2:48 AM

    When they break up, will he say, "Seacrest out?"

  4. dude!DUDE...totally disagree, I dont know if we are looking at the same pic, they are TOTALLy into eachother. Not fake....but i dont really care and this comment makes it look like I actually give a shit.

    Ah well.

  5. I mean, I can make out with a girl and be totally convincing, so why couldn't he.

  6. i thought you were going to review that book soon?

  7. That's pretty gross. I think I'm gonna puke.

  8. Why are the sucking face in public? I mean, really!

  9. Tryin--

    That's what they'll call them.
