Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Little More Personal

I don't take a shower every day. Why should I? I don't do anything to get really dirty or stinky. It's bad for my skin, and bad for my hair. Plus, I think it's a waste of time. See, I'm a long showerer. I could easily spend over half an hour in the shower, if the hot water would last that long. I just can't justify spending that long in the shower every day. If there's a special occasion, or if I happen to get really dirty, I'll shower two days in a row, but otherwise, not gonna happen. I know that social conventions say that I'm in the wrong, that I should conform to the norm and shower every day, and maybe someday I will. It's just that that day isn't coming soon. And I'm okay with that.

my showering habits - A-
(anyone who thought I was going to be talking about Lindsay Lohan - A+)


  1. You never smell bad or lucky dirty, so it's fine. I have to shower at least once a day, if not twice a day because I smell like nasty animal chach.

  2. you're pretty...even dirty.

  3. Anonymous8:58 PM

    I shower EVERY day...I mean EVERY. Nope--that has nothing to do with hygiene concerns, but that that's the ONLY time I get 8.5 minutes to my self. (and only if I dead-bolt the bathroom door.)
    Have we determined what "chach" is yet??

  4. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I'm with you. I don't shower every day either. I've never had any complaints.

  5. I usually shower every day, unless I decide to be a total bum and not go outside ... then I will stayin bed all day or lay on the couch and NOT shower.

    Unfortunately, work sometimes has me showering 3 or 4 times a day. UGH!

  6. Check out George Carlin's little commentary on it... basically, you only have to clean the four key areas: armpits, bum, crotch, and teeth. And you can save yourself even more time by using the same brush on all four areas.

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    count me in the every other day crowd, too, Amanda. I started trying it after Ryan was born and I found better uses for that 20 minutes in the shower, but it's amazing how much less my dry skin and dry hair are a problem when I'm not soaking them in super-hot water every single day. Of course, if I mow the lawn or something, that's different, but you're not alone!
