Monday, March 06, 2006

Plantar Fasciitis

I am pretty sure I have plantar fasciitis. My heel hurt so much this morning that I just walked around on my toes. Maybe it's because I'm fat, or maybe it's because I'm trying to be less fat and increased my activity level last week, but my heel certainly does not feel awesome. I hope I don't have to get one of those sleep boots. They are decidedly unsexy. Does anyone know any home remedies for plantar fasciitis?

Does anyone even know what plantar fasciitis is?

Plantar fasciitis - F


  1. looks like you can win with this, i didn't know there was a name for it but i think i have it as well. So...I'm' with you sister.

  2. can=can't in the above comment

  3. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Um, what sleep boot thingy?? I have weird mental pictures now.

  4. i want a sleep boot. I think it sounds sexy.

  5. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Heredity...your father had that problem. It was fixed by some fairly expensive orthodics in his shoes.

  6. Ask Mike about it. He had to deal with it a year ago. Not fun. :(

  7. One of my running partners has it. It flares up every now and then and then she bitches about it.

    But she still runs. Somehow.

  8. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Just make sure you do lots of stretching before & after exercise, and try to increase your exercise level gradually instead of spring break boot camp.
