Saturday, March 11, 2006

Do You Want Some Wine With That Cheese?

There are some things in this world that are cheesy: those fake roses you can get at gas stations, a puppy in a basket for Christmas, Build A Bears, "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlisle. But there are two things that transcend cheese, and cross over to schmaltz - Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, and Josh Groban. When taken independently, these two things are cheesy but totally cool. I watch EMHE when I can, and I went to a Josh Groban concert and own one of his CDs. I'm not knocking them, really. BUT, in combination, we just might exceed the level of cheese acceptable in one sitting. Think about it - EMHE makes me cry anyway, but hearing "You Raise Me Up" during the show? Pass the tissues. Well, I have it on good authority that we'll be hearing a little Josh Groban on this week's episode of EMHE. This is Peter, husband of my good pal Kris, and an accomplished violinist. Peter and his playing partner Kyle play at really important functions all over the state of Oklahoma - they're quite good. Pete and Kyle will be playing the Josh Groban song "You Raise Me Up" on EMHE this week! This is very exciting. Kris says there's no guarantee that we'll get to hear Pete and Kyle for sure, but they did record the song for the show, so we all have our fingers crossed. Please watch EMHE tomorrow night - it's a two-hour episode, so lay in some provisions, but it's super exciting that my buddy is playing on national television. Way to go, Pete!

extreme cheese - C-
Peter playing for EMHE - A+


  1. I was going to tell everyone you saw Josh Groban in concert if you didn't admit it yourself.

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    WOW!! Super wow!! That's really cool! Congrats Peter!!


  3. Dunno if I will be home in time, but I'll try to check it out. Doesn't matter, cause I usually cry during every episode. I know, I'm a sissy!

  4. Yeah, and the term "making love" is cheesy also. But, I do weep every time I see this show.

  5. yeah, whatever... i know two people who danced on soul train for a year and a half, and then went on to make highly delicious adult movies. well, one did. the other became a nurse and is probably polishing bed-pans as we speak.
    she calls me hyphen-happy. i call her a whore. her mom calls long distance.
    what's the area-code for regret?

  6. I didn't get to watch, I was at work and forgot to tape... can anyone verify that they heard it?

  7. I think I heard them! It was in the 2nd hour when they were ahowing the ladies making the quilts. They sounded great! It was less than 30 seconds though. Thanks for the heads up! :)
