Monday, February 20, 2006

Jenny Lewis, All Grown Up

A few weeks back, Noah and friends were talking on their blog about Shelley Long and her bad movies, including Troop Beverly Hills. Now, I love Troop Beverly Hills - it's one of my most favorite movies; I always like that Tori Spelling, Kelly Martin, and Carla Gugino were in it when they were young, but I always wondered what happened to Jenny Lewis, the little girl who played Shelley Long's daughter (that's her in "A Friendship in Vienna"). Well, just yesterday, while reading an old copy of Jane, I discovered that Miss Lewis has been keeping busy with a little band called Rilo Kiley. Jenny's all indie-fied, and I don't know if I like it. Look at her! She's so hip and beautiful in that cultivated, I'm-a-musician kind of way. How much do you think she paid for that dress? Either twelve dollars or seven hundred dollars, and both prospects kind of gross me out. I guess to me Jenny'll just always be the little redhead doing the Freddy on the lawn of the nursing home.

the new and improved Jenny Lewis - C+


  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    You might change your grade if you listened to Rilo Kiley. They're the only band in the Saddle Creek stable that's worth a crap (Connor Oberst is NOT the new Dylan, got that, Emotards?)

  2. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Dude, I love Rilo Kiley! I had no idea that was her! That makes me love the band AND the movie even more! :) That's funny.

    <3 MC

  3. All your time at Interlochen and no one ever put you through your Rilo Kiley paces? Sheeeesh. I'll send ya a copy if you like. Incidentally, Jenny recently released a solo album... have yet to hear any of it, but the NYTimes guy worshipped her... not sure if it was for the music or another reason tho...

  4. Yes, all the emo-indie kids I work with have been raving about Rabbit Fur Coat, but I'm not just not sure. By all means, though, Timmy, send me a CD, mail is my favorite thing in the whole wide world.

  5. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Yes, the things I've heard from Rabbit Fur Coat are quite snazzy. As a little girl, she looked like a total bitch, but not as much now. Let's just wait for Danny Pintauro's album...

  6. i'm surprised this is brand new information for you. but rilo kiley is not a bad band, ya know.

  7. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Seen 'em live, love it!! I probably saw them back in 2000 or 2001... It was a Great Show!!! I recommend their first CD, which at the moment I can't find on-line... so it might be out of print... but it's the one with "Teenage Lovesong" on it... Anyway, I recommend this band HIGHLY! And I'm not even indie!

  8. Your grading scale is gives me the runs.
