Friday, February 17, 2006

Cordless Razor

I saw a guy using one of these yesterday standing next to his car in the parking lot at school. And he was wearing full fatigues. It was truly bizarre. I didn't think people actually did that, but what do I know? At least he wan't using it while he was driving.

parking lot shaver - C+


  1. you're harsh. hair doesn't grow on your face...i would like you to take that into consideration. Maybe he was late for an important engagement and a female used his razor and he needed to pick a replacement blade up on his way to where he was going because the one he HAD was dull and would cut the shit out of his face....thanks to that female in his life. It would be an easy explanation is all i'm saying. loves to love you boo!

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Three things: one, I see guys using these things while driving all the time (for some strange reason, they're usually driving BMWs.) Two, our Grandad Joe gave me one of these when I was twelve. I'm still confused by this. Three, with all due respect, Dustin, I'm not sure you're the most reliable source of information regarding having your razor blades ruined by females.

  3. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Are these comfy to use "on the go"? If so, why isn't there a female version? I could shave my legs on the go. And in regards to the razors, if they made ours as good as they made mens, we wouldn't have to borrow.

  4. Your blog is hilarious!
    Beth told me about it.. blame her.

    My fave post is the asparagus pee... lol

    As for the razor.. .so true Beth... in their attempts to make it 'gentle' for women to use.. it comes off as wimpy and we are forced to borrow a man's razor.

  5. I only shave outside in my fatigues during the summer months.

  6. pat...PATRICK! I grew up with my sister and my mother and ALLL my roomies have been females. I know a thing or two about a dull razor. I vito your #3 on your comment.

  7. Anonymous11:52 AM

    It's "veto," numbnuts.
