Sunday, February 12, 2006

Asparagus Pee

Nate and I had a delicious dinner last night: pork chops and mushrooms in a delicious Worcestshire/wine sauce, with asparagus on the side. The asparagus was super yummy, but about an hour after we ate, my pee stank like nobody's business - well, I guess it's YOUR business now. Seriously, asparagus pee is one of the nastiest things on Earth. Scientists have been debating the cause of the smell for years, and no conclusive evidence has been found. Some say it's the presence of methanethiol, some say it's sulfur, and some say it's metabolites. Whatever it is, it sure is gross.

Asparagus pee - D-


  1. But the taste of asparagus is so worth having rancid smelling pee later.

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Asparagus is one of the few foods that I am willing to say I don't like... and not 'cause I don't like the taste (though the stringy texture sometimes rubs me the wrong way)... 'cause I HATE THE PEE!!! Don't get me wrong, I can put up with it if I have to, like if it's made by a host at a party or something... but I would NEVER order it. And I would NEVER make it for myself!!

  3. I had asparagus and nasty smelling pee afterward this weekend as well! It isn't just pee that smells bad after either....
