Monday, January 16, 2006

He's One Bad Mother...


Man, I'm just talkin' about Pat.

Happy Birthday, brother.

Pat's birthday - A


  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Underwear on head...check. Lookin' at you, lookin' over here...check. Pyjamas that make my package appear to be ensconced in chicken wire...check. I'm the black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks.

    Thanks for the love, 'manda!

  2. Anonymous10:42 PM

    You gave Girbaud jeans - A+! and your brother, your Bubba, an A. So whose brother gets an A+? The brother who sat through thousands of Scavenger Hunts, the brother who used Ken and Barbie as models gets an A? Tell us the A+ brother.

  3. Well, DAD, maybe if Pat hadn't torn the heads of my Barbies and swung their headless bodies from my canopy bed whn I was 6, maybe he would have gotten an A. I'm just sayin'.

    (ps love you pat!)

  4. Anonymous11:13 AM

    What is it about Barbies and canopy beds?! My friend and I used to drive Barbie off the sloped canopy in her Barbie Dream Mini Van... Ah, doll homicide! That's childhood.

    My brother used to hang his cabbage patch doll who allegedly bore a resemblance to Chuckie and purportedly used to move himself about the bed when no one was there...

    Happy Birthday, Pat!

  5. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Yay for Pat! Happy birthday sweetie!

  6. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I wish I had an older brother to kill my Barbie dolls...damn, my childhood was SO sheltered. Happy Birthday Amanda's brother! You don't know me but I still want to wish you a happy birthday! :)
    PS - Amanda, call me.
    <3 MC
