Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Harry Potter and the Triple Overtime

I had quite a day today. My dad and I went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire this afternoon - we were delighted to find out that the movie theatre charges only $3.50 a ticket for all show before 6 PM. Can you believe it? Two tickets for seven bucks! I didn't absolutely love the movie. I feel like I've been giving a lot of half-hearted reviews of movies lately, but nothing has really inspired me. HPATGOF was good, very entertaining and had plenty of exciting moments, but it couldn't hold a candle to the book. So much of the book was missing that it was sad. I was really, really hoping for a sweet Quidditch Cup, and it was totally lame. Ralph Fiennes was great, the hot kid who plays Cedric Diggory was... well, hot, and little Emma Watson really carried the movie, but Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint are starting to annoy me. They may look like Harry and Ron, but I don't think they can act.

This evening, I watched the Orange Bowl, starring Penn State and Florida State. Normally, I'm not into football - I don't watch every week or keep up with certain players or teams, but during bowl season, which is only about two weeks long, I become a maniac. I'm in a football pool, I obsessively check the scores of "my" teams, and I watch as many games as I possibly can. My team tonight was Penn State, and boy, did they pull this one out of their collective ass. This game was crazy. There were insane touchdowns, a missed extra point, missed field goal attempts, and yes, triple overtime. The poor kicker from Florida State missed his last field goal attempt because the ball bounced off the upright, and so Penn State gained possession and managed to score a field goal after missing their previous TWO field goal attempts. It was wild. They played for almost five hours. With Penn State's win, I have cemented my lead in my football pool - if Texas wins the Rose Bowl, I'm pretty sure that I'll take the whole thing.

Shopping! Manicures! Musical theatre and designer handbags! Had to balance things out for my non-football people out there.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - B-
Orange Bowl - A-


  1. Thank goodness you put money on Texas. We can't have a battle of the foot'blogs' here! :) Hook 'em Horns!!!!

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Actually, Amanda, I know you picked Texas, but you have to cheer for USC tonight. As I look at the bowl pool, the only person who could reach you would be our friend Angie, who also picked Texas, but for 12 more points than you. If Texas wins tonight, you two tie. If USC wins, you're all alone at the top. Go Trojans! We will all bow down to Amanda!!! :)

    By the way, your birthday message was the cutest thing ever - I just haven't had a chance to call back. Did you hear Sean finally proposed to Katie?

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Ooh, I like the logic there, Erin! Both strategically sound and loyal to my way of thinking: go Trojans!

    Amanda, good news, guess who upgraded her cable package and now gets Bravo... ME!! We rewatched the lingerie episode of Project Runway. And by We, I DO mean Pat and me. Life is good! Santino is evil! Pat Strong is tolerant!

  4. I know what you mean about movies. I just haven't been blown away by much. Well, except for Walk the Line, but even then it was all about the performances, not the overall movie package. But, not every movie can be American Gothic, right Amanda?

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    She lets me TiVo anything I want on Speed Channel, so I've no complaints.

    Fight on, Trojans!

  6. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's hip to Daniel Radcliffe's relative lack of talent.
