Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Nothing says New Year's Eve like a zebra burro and a bin full of emtpies.

Last night I had a wicked good time at my friends Kris and Peter's house. We drank some booze and ate some amazing chili and other assorted goodies, and talked and made general merriment until well after midnight (I think we made up our own countdown and missed the real one entirely). Some friends from college, Anna and Aaron, were there, as well as some of my Oklahoma New Year's posse, Peter's sisters Lizzie and Sarah. True to form, I was the first person to fall asleep, as always, and missed a little alcohol-enduced drama which ended with a party guest walking down the street to get away from her boyfriend, who she was mad at, and go to a karaoke bar - which was closed because by this time, it was already 2:30 AM. As far as I know, they made up. Also, Kris made a delicious breakfast casserole which was just the thing for everyone feeling the affects of a hard night of drinking. Kris, email me that recipe!

It was so good to see my Arkansas and Oklahoma friends - I love you guys!

New Year's Eve in OKC - A


  1. YEAH! Sounds like you had a rip roarin good time my dear. I myself met a boy and I am an hour away from our date-wooohooo!

  2. happy new year. Sounds like you had lots of fun. Call me when you're back in town.

  3. Awww, looks like you guys had a great time. I hope to see all yall soon! :)

  4. Anonymous1:15 PM

    You look pretty rosey-cheeked in that picture- you know how I like that. I guess I'll have to start feeding you booze on a regular basis.

  5. Nate... did you read my blog!? You must really miss me...

  6. I love breakfast, a lot...

  7. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Technically, I believe it's called a "Donk-bra". And--for the record--we had...

    SO MUCH FUN!!!!!
