Thursday, December 08, 2005

Small Talk on the Web

Blogging about the weather is probably lamer than talking about the weather, but it must be done: it is COLD here. I just checked (mostly because I'm trying to avoid a tiny bit of homework) and it is 0 degrees outside. Not Celsius, mind you. Fahrenheit. It is no degrees right now.
People who should not respond to this post: Lisa, because you'll just laugh and go put on a bikini; Erin P, because you'll just laugh and then go hitch a ride on the ice truck. Anyone whose current temperature range falls between Miami and the Antarctica is free to say whatever they want.
super cold weather - C+
resorting to blogging about the weather -D-


  1. My feet haven't thawed out yet from letting the dogs outside 10 minutes ago.

  2. I'm in Louisiana, and even though it is not 0 degrees out, it is still too damn cold. My feet are constantly freezing. The hard wood floors don't help either!

  3. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Thank you for introducing me to My report this morning says, "6 degrees, feels like -9 degrees." Oh yes, it is Oklahoma and "the wind comes sweeping down the plain".

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I completely agree with anonymous, and would like to add...people in Oklahoma have NO IDEA how to drive on the slightest bit of snow. Ridiculous.

    See you soon!

  5. seriously,you dont know cold like i know cold babey. lets face it, you walk to your car and from it into a building;i have to walk to the train. park your car 7 blocks away and walk to it everyday and we'll talk about it when i see you again. love you!

  6. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Our schools are closed because of snow today. I'm even laughing at it. There's maybe, MAYBE an inch and a half of snow out there, and the puddles are still LIQUID! Why is school closed?? This makes no sense! Arkansans are weird!

  7. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Everything's relative, blah blah blah.

    I lived in Michigan for almost five years, and have done Chicago, Wisconsin, NYC, and Connecticut in the wintertime, but THE COLDEST I have ever been in MY ENTIRE LIFE was one January night walking alongside I-40 in Atkins, Arkansas after my friend Wes's wagon ran out of gas on the way to Blackwell. Russellvillains: you know what I mean. Incidently, this is the same Wes who owns Italian Gardens.

  8. I dont like the cold but I do love snow!!! We are having some awesome snow today in Portland Maine!!!
