Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A Real Preemie

Okay, let's do a little compare and contrast. Real preemie - looks real. Plastic preemie - looks plastic. Real preemie - wires and stuff. Plastic preemie - all sorts of wires and stuff (not in this picture, but keep watching Grey's Anatomy). Real preemie - eyes! Plastic preemie - tape over eyes! (again, watch GA and other medical shows) Real preemie - looks like a real baby, only mini. Plastic preemie - looks like an alien.

Hands down winner: real preemie!

Thanks to my friend Sarah for allowing me to post this picture of her baby, who is now about 18 months old and doing great, by the way.

Medical people (you know who you are) - do you think fake preemies are at all accurate?

Real preemies (as opposed to fake ones) - A
Emma's brush with Internet stardom - A+


  1. They do put tape over real premies eyes sometimes. I'm not a big fan of Gray's Anatomy though, I started watching that episode and had to stop. Give me ER any day over that show.

  2. i think perhaps the subject matter is a bit problematic...

  3. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Perhaps I am alone in this, so I am going to sneak quietly off to a corner and quietly wave my "I love Grey's Anatomy" flag... Don't judge.

  4. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Real preemies: highly susceptible to all manner of nasty germs and viruses that are abundant on film sets. Plastic preemies: not so much.

    "ER?" Are you kidding? That show hasn't been worth a damn in, like, six years. "House" and "Grey's Anatomy" are the new gold standard in medical dramas.

  5. Oooh, Natalie, you misread! I LOVE Grey's Anatomy! I just don't like fake preemies. I say Must See TV is ABC Sunday night.
    Pat - like Dad and the Dallas Cowboys, I will always be a fan of ER, even when helicopters fall from the sky and crush the chief of staff.

  6. I have been boycotting ER for sometime. Everybody worth watching left or died. And, everytime I want somebody to hook up with somebody it never works out. At least not for long. So, bye, bye medical dramas, hello LOST! Anyone else a fan? Let's talk theories!

    About the preemies--yes, highly susceptible to everything. It was difficult for me to let anyone touch Emma for a long time. In fact, we didn't leave the house for a couple of months!

  7. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Oh, good! I'm relieved!! :)

  8. Anonymous8:00 PM

    No Amanda, as a "medical people" I don't think plastic preemies look at all real. But then again, I have never had to get up at 2 am to go intubate a plastic preemie, so we might get along better. And nothing else on medical shows looks quite real either. I would kill to have my hair look that good after spending the night in the hospital...

  9. Um...Preemies...what are they supposed to use in the shows love? Are you suggesting REAL preemies?
