Friday, December 30, 2005

Must Love Dogs

Must Love Dogs is cute, but not the best romantic comedy I've ever seen. It has a great cast, especially the supporting actors - Stockard Channing, Christopher Plummer, and Ben Shenkman? I love all of them, and I love it when "serious" actors have fun in fluffy little movies. Also, Diane Lane and John Cusack are just adorable... nonetheless, it was just alright to me. I think what put me over the edge was the family sing-along. I don't like it when families break into song for no reason in movies - it was ridiculously wonderful in My Best Friend's Wedding, but in Must Love Dogs, it's just ridiculous. If you're looking for a romantic comedy, there are many out there that are much better than this one, even though it wasn't really that bad.

Must Love Dogs - B-


  1. My family breaks into sing-a-longs. Is that odd?

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Our dog, Mudge, breaks into song! Is that odd?

  3. never seen it, but wanna. Scott, does your fam really break into sing alongs? if so, like what? like...what is your families "song"?

  4. My family doesn't have a song, but we will bust out in song from time to time...okay, we don't, but wouldn't it be great if we did? I think I'm gonna try and make them. We could be like a modern day Von Trapp family.

  5. I would have to have a gun to my head to watch this movie...
