Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Dear Mr. Jesus

Child abuse is bad. I would never say anything otherwise. There are probably more children getting abused than we might think, so to use a catchphrase, "raising awareness" is probably a good thing.
But then there's "Dear Mr. Jesus." Oh, sweet heaven, is there "Dear Mr. Jesus." I'm going to include a link for this song, so that if you've never heard it, you too can experience the magnitude of just how bad ths song really is.
The interesting thing about this song is that it flips the standard children's-chorus-coming-in-at-the-end cliche right on end - a kid sings through the whole thing, but then a ROCK STAR GROWN-UP joins in for the final chorus. One of my best and fondest memories of my big brother his him mocking this guy. He was really, really good at it.


I don't know what else to say about "Dear Mr. Jesus," other than that it has haunted me for the past twenty years. I'll let the song speak for itself.

"Dear Mr. Jesus" - F


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    It is obvious that Amanda got her "tenderness" from her mother. Yes, I cried when I hear it just now. You all don't like the song, but if you don't appreciate the message, then you are heartless bastards.

  2. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I assume that by "tenderness," you mean "low tolerance for crap," don't you, Dad?

    Thanks for the props, Amanda. I actually think that singing that heartfelt "Uuuuuu-oooooohhhh!" from the refrain is what caused my balls to drop.

  3. I had never heard that song, and along with Ahsley - I wish I never did. I think I'll be writing a letter to Mr. Jesus asking him why the hell he allows that song to exist!

  4. Anonymous10:50 PM

    I just read the comments and due to my current state of pregnancy, I'll take the advice of others and go back in time and actually not listen to the song.
    Don't get me started on child abuse. I work at a battered women's shelter . . . .

  5. Beth, are you afraid your hormones will kick in and you'll start crying, or that you'll throw up?

  6. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I'm afraid that I am going to have nightmares of bleary-eyed zombie children in tu-tus busting through the windows of some broken down old house and then dancing with me in my shredded red leather jacket... The thing is, I think it would have made me cry too, in the past, before I met Amanda's brother... I think knowing him has given me a new sense of "tenderness" too... (You're welcome, sweetie.)


  7. dude....your dad said "bastards", your bro talked about his balls dropping and his fiance said "thank you sweetie"...what the F? love love LOVE the Strong family.

  8. Anonymous10:57 AM

    it's probably a bit of both that I'm afraid of . .

  9. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Beth: once upon a time, ADT used to give free home security systems to victims of domestic violence. Do you know if they still do that?

  10. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I placed the song on my site as we found it to be truthful, and that child abuse of any kind is not tolerated.

    Thank you for linking to it, the more people who read and hear the words, hopefully it will help one innocent child.

    Take gentle care,
