Thursday, November 24, 2005

Nick and Jessica Split

The thing that bothers me the most about this is that you can still buy the "Hollywood Weddings" special issue of People with Nick and Jessica's wedding pictures all over the front (and presumably, all over the inside, too - I've never actually looked inside, believe it or not). I just saw it at the grocery store yesterday. Not that there weren't already a thousand ways for these two to be reminded of their marriage. I just think it sucks that every time Nick or Jess goes in a grocery store, they'll see pictures of their happy day staring back at them. Wait, what am I saying? They don't go to the grocery store!

Nick and Jessica's split - C


  1. I know that this makes me a HUGE freak, but this really makes me sad. I loved Nick and Jessica. Can't they go through counseling or something? Work it out guys.

  2. I feel the same way! I thought they would be one couple that could make it. Maybe they still will. We're just freaks, that's all....

  3. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I like Nick and Jessica, too.

    But me likey Nick. And I think we all know what that means.

    Nick Baby, if you're ever in the mood for Something Completely Different, bring your hot ass down here and look me up.

  4. i thought they made a good couple, but hell there are people that i know and care about who try and cant make it work, thats where my sadness lies. besides, its not like EITHER of them will have a hard time finding someone else. he is exceedingly easy on the eyes. nick baby u have my number, use it.

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I'm with all of you who wanted this to work. I loved the show Newlyweds and I was rooting for this couple. I am sad too! It's not like we didn't know this would happen, it's hollywood, who makes it?? But stil!

  6. It is bad that I REALLY don't care about these two breaking up? I mean, it happens ALL THE TIME! People are always getting divorces. No big deal!

  7. Anonymous1:45 PM

    is it bad that I had no idea they finally did break up?

