Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Face of an Unwashed Teenager

I have the most enormous zit, and it's right on the bridge of my nose where God and everyone can see it. It's terrible. I mean, I don't have a photo shoot coming up or anything, but it's probably the worst, most obvious zit I've had in a long time.
This is what I get for eating buttery popcorn at work. This is what I get for using corn starch as face powder on Halloween. I thought I was too old for these monsters, but I guess I was wrong wrong wrong.

Enormous nose zit - F

UPDATE: It's better, but now it's red. Damn.


  1. Hie, randomly chanced upon your blog. =)

    Hope u don't mind me joking here.

    Deepest sympathy with the zit. On the bright side at least u don't have 2 HUGE ZITS strategically located on your forehead, looking like horns. Which i once had. =)

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    You had to bad mouth early Christmas music. Now you have a huge zit. It's no wonder.

  3. I don't want to hear about your bad zits. Have you ever seen my face?

  4. can i pop it? i love to pop zits...

  5. it happens, you still have monster hot guzungas though!

  6. Anonymous11:05 AM

    there is a new machine out called THE ZENO. it uses extreme heat to zap the shit out of your zits. i want one.
