Friday, November 04, 2005


Tomorrow night I am going to a Euchre party... and there's money on it, so I have to play well. I haven't played a good hand of Euchre in a few years, but I am confident that I will remember all the rules and make some good decisions and come out a winner! I'd better - Mama needs a new pair of shoes.

Euchre party - B


  1. If only there was more time. I'd teach you a few simple tricks so you can stack the deck. I'm that good at euchre. Thanks for the advice in my email today. I think I'll use it.

  2. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Ah, Euchre, a sadly underappreciated game. My buddies and I (all displaced Midwesterners and an ex-pat Canadian) are trying to introduce it to SoCal, and with some success. Natalie has learned to play, and she's at that point that most Euchrists (get it?) go through, that point where you've mastered "the rules" and are now starting to "get good." One thing: did you know that Canadians and Americans have different rules? Apparently, in Canada, when you order it up for your partner, you MUST go alone!

  3. Wow Pat, those are some hardcore euchre rules. I don't think I could do the Canadian way. Does anyone else play bottom 3 and Ace No Face when they play euchre?

  4. Ace No Face sounds kinky.

  5. I STILL CANT PLAY! Best of luck! Let me know what kind of shoes you get.

  6. Anonymous3:14 PM

    All I think of when I hear "Euchre" is that football sportscaster that ended up in a few ABC sitcoms in the 80's (his name was Uecker, right?). Or the sound I make after too much hard liquor. Enjoy your evening.

  7. what the hell is Ace No Face?! I have never heard of it. And i think we are all still waiting to hear about your new shoes!

  8. Euchre is great. There's a gay bar here in Chicago that has a Euchre night. Yay regional card games!

  9. Check out some strategy tips at the euchreuniverse blog
