Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I ate some Cheetos yesterday, and they were so good. If you haven't had Cheetos in a while, I highly recommend you get some. Mine were straight out of a vending machine, but still retained their freshness. Cheetos are great because they can be a nice addition as a side when you're having a sandwich, but they can also stand alone as a snack.

The best part of Cheetos is the spore left over on your fingers when you're done eating. Dried cheese product - yum! Of course, it's bad if you get said spore all over someone's homework that you're looking at. Sorry, Claire.

Cheetos - B+


  1. haha.
    you said spore.

  2. You know I love you, Am, and maybe I have food issues, but did you happen to read the ingredients of a Cheeto? (Can you refer to them in the singular?) I heard the other day that morticians don't have to use as much embalming fluid as they once did on account of the serious amount of preservatives we all consume. Must be the Cheetos! Now, that may be urban legend, but it made sense to me! Whatever happened to your multi-grain Cheerios?

  3. hmm. preservatives... maybe you should just stick with krispy kremes.

  4. I just ate some cheetos today for the first time in months. What are the odds?

  5. I tried to buy something healthy from the veding machine, I really did, but my options were limited. You try not eating preservatives on a dollar from Vendo!

  6. You know what the best thing about Cheetoes is? They can fit a whole lot more Cheetos in a little bag than they can potato chips! Cheetos - getting your money's worth!

  7. sometimnes when i am playing a venue and havent eaten all day a trip to the vending machine and some cheetos are just the right thing!
