Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Halle Library

Here at good ol' EMU, our kick-ass library has a bell tower. Like most bell towers, it chimes out "Big Ben" twice on the hour and once on the half hour. It also plays tunes at noon every day. Usually, these songs are unidentifiable, but today, I heard something distinct and clear as a... well, you know. Today's Halle Library bell tower song: "On The Street Where You Live" from My Fair Lady!

Um, what? I think it would have only been weirder to hear the bell tower version of "Cat Scratch Fever" or "I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts." Why in the world did they pick "On The Street Where You Live?" Sometimes, this place amazes me.

Halle Library bell tower - B-


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I think, along with excerpts from "claire de lune" and other classics, our local church also plays "on the street where you live"-- Maybe it's easy, with just a few notes, or something... bizarre. Will have to keep my ears peeled to see what else is in our repetoire here.


  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    That's hilarious!

  3. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Maybe they're big Audrey Hepburn fans. Michigan's bell tower plays some unusual stuff too if you can ever hear that.

  4. Anonymous11:29 AM

    That's awesome. The UM bell tower played Happy Birthday for me on my birthday a few years ago. I had a friend who played the bells in the tower for a class. Very cool...
