Friday, October 21, 2005

Desperate Housewives DVD

You all know that I love Desperate Housewives, but even I didn't know how much I loved it until I saw the first four episodes (I was a late joiner and didn't start watching until mid-season). It's so good! So many things happened in those first four episodes that influenced later episodes that I was completely unaware of - Edie's house fire, those demon Scavo boys painting that little girl, the assault of the gay cable guy, that awesome dinner party, evil Mrs. Huber... and many, many more. I already rented the next four episodes and can't wait to get crackin' on them.

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to the creator of TV series on DVD, and perhaps the creator of DVDs in general. There is no better way to watch TV than to watch it on DVD. No commercials, no waiting, streamlined episode length. Good job, fellas.

Desperate Housewives DVD - A


  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I love that show!

  2. Oh Amanda-I had no idea you came into this late.How unfortunate. But at least you are doing the right thing by going back and getting it all in. I have to say-My friend Casey D. and I are HUGE DH fans but last week...Grey's Anatomy kicked the ass's of our ladies at Wysteria Lane.

  3. Oh-one more thing. Best series on DVD is "Friends". It's's big giant Friends movie that feels like it's never gonna end and its awesome!

  4. okay, so deena and i are going to open a restaurant. what will we serve? fried chicken. so what's it gonna be called? "Frickin" !!! haha, get it? genius. anyway. does this have anything to do with the post? hell no it don't.

  5. In a completely unrelated note, I've noticed that one quarter of readers of your blog are mac users. For this reason I conclude that you have a remarkably cool readership and this is thus an officially remarkable blog.

  6. I have looked at my blog throught eyes of a Mac once or twice, and I think it looks awesome.
