Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Cell Phones

As I was walking from my class to the parking lot yesterday, I decided to count the number of people I passed that were talking on their cell phones. These folks were walking to or from class, too, at about 10:50 AM on a rainy Monday morning. Grand total? 18. This may not strike you as that many, especially those of you who live in New York, LA, Chicago, Austin or Miami, but you have to remember that Eastern's population is just under 24,000, and I can't give you a statistic on how many people are walking on campus at 10:50 AM. Let's just say that 18 struck me as high. People, it's time to hang up the phone. Look at the world around you. Do something less constructive with your time - daydream! People-watch! Recite the 8 times table in your head! I imagine that none of the people I saw were so busy and important that they had to field a call during peak daytime hours. They're just into putting up a barrier. Or looking cool. Whatever. I'm guilty of it, too, of course, but I've been thinking about extreme cell phone usage the past few days, so I'm going to try to curb my extraneous public chatting. Lets engage with real live humans, shall we?

Annoying campus cell phone users - C


  1. I totally agree with you. I hate talking on my cell phone in public. First of all, anyone can listen, and secondly, it's rude to those around you, especially if you're in a store checking out or something.

  2. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I suppose next you'll tell us to stop taking reading material onto airplanes, because the person sitting next to us is SOOOO interesting. Barriers rule. Now leave me alone.

  3. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I don't mind people using cell phones, except when they are interacting with people present at the same time. I.E. checking out at the grocery store. You are having an interaction with the cashier, hang up the phone! How many times do I have to explain the #1 rule of phone ettiquete (sp?)? People in person take precedence over people on the phone!!!!

  4. Pat, if you read OUT LOUD on the plane, then yes, your reading material should be banned. Unless it's porn.

  5. What about ipods??? I *love* apple, but all the cool ipod listeners and their hearing-aid-looking earbuds annoy the poo outta me.

    Mentionably, I may be asking for a shuffle for christmas. But ONLY FOR RUNNING!!!

  6. Austin or Miami? okay. Um...I personally cant STAND cell phone use on public transportation. be it bus , train, or airplane-drives me crazy! I do not answer my phone in such cases or if i do i say "i am on the train i will call you back in an hour". Some people are just down right rude about it.
