Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Black Eyed Peas "My Humps" Video

I can't say enough about this video. Too bad for the Black Eyed Peas, 'cause it's all bad. This video is just awful, and the song is no better. Fergie is just gyrating all over the place, talking about her "hump" and her "lovely lady lumps." LOVELY LADY LUMPS!? Gross! Whether she's talking about tits or ass, that has to be the foulest euphemism ever.
Here are some details for you non-video watchers: Fergie and her dancers are showing off their "ice," label-dropping and waving their long and nasty fingernails all over the place. Periodically, the BEP guys sing about spending, and then Fergie replies with "I'm-a get get get get you drunk, get you drunk, off my hump, my hump my hump my hump..." and so on. Not pretty. There's writhing and dancing hoochies and it's just lame, and it comes on every morning. Worst of all, it's catchy. I sing it in my head all the time, and then I feel bad about myself.

My Humps - C-


  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    what channel do you watch videos on? I want to get me summa that!

    Yeah, I went to school in the ghetto... what?

  2. Anonymous9:24 PM

    lol, I agree with you 100% about this video. It's dumb and stupid and makes me feel weird.

  3. It's morning videos, my friend - MTV before 10 AM!

  4. sorry, amanda. i'm so out of what's popular, even with my entertainment weekly's and my rolling stone bi-weekly's, i have not heard of nor seen this...
    i mean, geez. i just found out the other day that mariah thinks that we belong together.

  5. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I saw this yesterday for the first time and got a real good laugh! I never watch videos (mostly because they are never on), but caught this one early on MTV or VH1 (don't remember which). It was real funny.

    I watched the whole awful video. It was like watching curling. You don't why you are watching, but you watch anyway!

  6. dont feel bad about yourself...feel good about your lumps, cuz girl, you know you got some fierce ones!

  7. I just saw this video. Fergie is weird. She looks like she could be early 40's or in her twenties. Kind of old and haggard and hot and youthfull all at once. Odd.

  8. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I've never heard this song (they don't play it much on the punk rock station) but reading the lyrics you posted, Amanda, it kinda has the same meter as Gilbert and Sullivan. Seriously, lay those lyrics over the music of "I Am The Very Model of A Major General." Now THERE'S a mash-up.

  9. Also, lady lumps sound like something Fergie might need a mammigram for.

  10. Personally, I think the song is kinda funny. I thouroughly promote "getting love drunk off this hump!"
