Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The World's Strongest Boy

This freaks me out so much. I think this is the equivalent of over-the-top beauty pageants for little girls. This kid's weird Ukrainian parents started him weight-training when he was three years old. Can I just say that that's fucked up? Just look at him. He has the physique of a juiced-up man and the face of a little boy. It can't be healthy. Who can say how hard he's going to crash when he actually hits puberty?
Thanks to The Learning Channel for showing that stage parents can transcend the actual stage. This kid was, at one point, the only source of income for his family of four. Oh, and did I mention that his five-year-old sister is on the same path? And that the kid's trainer cut him loose because the kid's dad wouldn't say what kind of "supplements" he was taking? So, so bizarre.

The World's Strongest Boy - C- (but A to The Learning Channel - they show good stuff)


  1. i know that i am no small child but seeing a picture like that makes me want to never work out ever ever again. GROSS!

  2. Anonymous8:16 PM


  3. I love parents who force their kids to do stuff. Like when my Dad made me play football in the 4th grade. I hated that so much! But, maybe if he had started me younger and pushed me harder I would be in the NFL today. Somehow, I doubt that....

  4. Anonymous4:49 PM

    This grosses me out. a lot.
