Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Lysol Sanitizing Wipes

Have any of you seen the new commercial for these things? They're trying to make the point that, if you use a kitchen sponge to wipe off your countertops, you're just spreading around bacteria, and you might as well be wiping off your counters with a raw chicken... and then they show a woman wiping down her counters and her fridge with a raw chicken. It's sick. Not only does it make me not want to use the wipes, but it makes me not want to eat chicken. I get it, and it's clever, but it makes my stomach turn.

Lysol Sanitizing Wipes ad - D


  1. I love that ad! I hate the ad where they trow the Mr. Clean things through windows and these women clean different stuff in different homes with the same wipe. Ew.

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    The only ad that creeps me out more is for Lamisil, that pill that prescription pill that clears up toenail infections. Have you seen this shit? The little green goblin pulls up a guy's toenail like a dumpster bin and jumps in and wriggles around, making the pink flesh green. EW EW EW GROSS. I can't take it. It's like teeth on a chalkboard.

  3. Oooh, I hate that one, too.

  4. Besides the horrid commercial, it's ONE MORE of the new fad of disposable EVERYTHING. Disposable stuff's been around a long time, but now: mops, toilet-bowl cleaners, dusting cloths, babies, cell phones... shoo.
