Friday, September 23, 2005

Health Clinic Pamphlets

I went to the clinic at school today, to get my TB test read (negative, by the way), and I noticed all the health pamphlets they have. If you haven't been around these in a while, let me let you in on a little secret: they are AWESOME! They have great titles like "STDs and You" and "What Is Acne?" and "Superventricular Tachycardia - What You Should Know" (okay, I made that one up, but aren't you impressed with my medical knowledge?). Even better than the titles and the information are the graphics. Health pamphlets always used to have those sitck figures with the really big heads, but now they're getting more professional and the graphics are really sweet. But I've saved the best for last - the actors. I wonder about these people. Is this their primary source of income? What do their families think? Is this the fulfillment of their dreams? No matter. I salute them. As for this lady, I think she actually looks like she's experiencing the agony of a UTI. She's a hell of an actor, I say.

Health Clinic Pamphlets - A


  1. I LOVE health clinic pamphlets. I know, that's sad, but I completely agree with amanda on this one. They are cheap entertainment.

  2. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Speaking of the actors, if you're looking for easy money, you could always see if the med school could use any actors to play patients for people to practice listening to their stomach & stuff...I think they pay pretty well...
