Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Once upon a time, a senior girl and a freshman boy were in a play together. Their mothers decided the senior girl should drive the freshman boy to rehearsal, even though the two didn't really know each other. But those mothers knew what they were doing - after one awkward car trip, a friendship was born.

Let me brag about Dustin for just a little bit - not only is he in the national tour of Sesame Street Live, he's the only live performer! Yes, there are real people in those enormous fuzzy costumes, but Dustin is the only one who is not in a fuzzy costume and therefore the only one who actually sings live (think about it - how could they be heard through all that chicken wire and fur? the rest of the cast is pre-recorded). this gig came up after Dustin played Bitty Puppy (yes, fur) in the American Girl Theatre's production of Bitty Bear's Big Day. I think Dusty is destined to play cartoon animals - next stop, The Lion King! One of my favorite things about Dustin is his ability to quote movies and song lyrics. Years after he's seen a movie, he can pull out a quote perfectly appropriate to a situation. Even better, if he hears a priceless line, uttered by a random person on the street, and thinks it should have been in a movie, he will adopt that phrase and use it periodically. I love this.

Dustin's on tour right now, so I haven't seen him in a while - and you all know I give points off for bad proximity. However, he'll be passing through Detroit soon... yay!

Dustin H. - A-

by the way, you can check out Dustin's blog - I've linked to him through "A Day in the Life of Sesame Street Live"


  1. I'm just going to get down to brass tacks here. I like the cut of this man's jib.

  2. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but he his home base is Chicago...

  3. I might just have to see this show. It's coming to Miami next month, and the American Airlines Arena is within walking distance from my apartment!!!

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