Monday, August 15, 2005

When Concert Merchandise Goes Horribly Wrong

That's right - it's a Clay Aiken thong.

Who thought this was a good idea? Something tells me that it was some crazed marketing team member, and not Clay himself, that came up with Clay Aiken lingerie to be sold at his summer concerts. I know that some of Clay's more fanatical fans like to throw panties at the stage, but this is going a bit too far.

Clay Aiken Thong: F


  1. Anonymous3:38 PM

    You little hooker. I had to find out about these blog shenanigans of yours thru Lisa H's blog. Yeesh. I'll call you.

    PS: Thongs? ew.


  2. Yay! One more person reading my blog! Those thongs are SO wrong! haha

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    That is too weird for words.

  4. OMG. Why don't i get these adverisements on my blog!

  5. dont remove the advertisements until we all get to see them if you are gonna make another post telling us to go here and look at them! Hellllooo lady! love you!

  6. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Clay Aiken thong? Sounds fishy to me...

  7. If its so wrong, why does it feel so right?
