Thursday, August 11, 2005


One of the things I love about coming to visit my parents is Sonic. The folks that own Sonic are from Oklahoma City, so there's a Sonic about every other block (kind of like Starbucks in Chicago). Sonic is great because it's a drive-in - carhops bring you your food!

Sonic's food is cheap and nasty, yet oh-so delicious. I tend to order a chili dog and tater tots with a cherry limeade. Today, my tots and limeade were wonderful, but the Sonic people forgot to put my mustard and onions on my chili dog, which makes me sad. However, I'd rather have a Sonic chili dog without all the accoutrements than a chili dog from anywhere else.

Come down South, and have some Sonic - you won't be sorry!

Sonic - B+.


  1. I can't believe you eat hot dogs. I will get links to my blog sometime soon, but I have to wait till I see you next week so you can help me.

  2. I love Sonic!! But there aren't any in all of Florida! I'm going through withdrawl....

  3. Wait. you are at your parents? Why?

  4. Anonymous2:32 AM

    The nearest Sonic to my current residence is about 80 miles away, in the hoppin' hamlet of Victorville, California. I'm not such a Sonic fan that that gives me ulcers, but every once in awhile, it would be nice to get a #2 Sonicburger with jalapenos, a side of rings ,and a vanilla coke. There aren't enough Chik-Fil-As near me, either.

  5. yes...yes you will be sorry about, 3-4 hours after you eat the sonic. While it all seems good and fun and damn tasty at the time. Its like death wrapped in foil. Seriously. Stay away from the sonic. I wish there was one close by. damn.
